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Ivan Radonic

Ivan Radonic is an Amazon No.1 Best Selling Author, Copy Writer and Email Marketing Specialist.

Ivan provides you with the strategy and the solution to optimising your email list and the best part...

No wasted money on advertising costs!

Interested in partnering with Ivan?

Book a call and let's see what can be achieved together...

So what makes me different from the others?

Who I Am?

I was born in Wollongong Australia on April 18 1976...

My brother in law refers to this day as Ugly Baby Sunday!

And yes he said that in a speech at my wedding...

I will say I was a cute kid but Im not sure what happen after I hit 5!

I still live in the Gong and have travelled the world with my bike and my girl trying to find the ultimate place to race Ironman!

I have 25 years experience in the health, fitness and well being industry and I'm a nut for performance hacking and optimisation...

I also have 10 years experience in Banking and Finance so as a copy writer Im well versed in both of these industry.

I'm a raving Click Funnels Fan and know how to build complex funnels and constantly reading and learning from the best in the world.

And I also run Top Gun Copy Academy for copy writers and business owners who want to be the best of the best!!!

My daughter Grace is quite literally the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love watching her grow and learn everyday!

So take a deep dive below and come back up for air when you ready then...

Take a deep dive below and come back up for air when you ready then...

Book a Call

Hi Amazing Human!

The 3 emails below are part of my auto-responder email series...

I have also added emails written for Mindvalley, Rich Roll and Steve Sims...

Enjoy and I look forward to talking to you soon :)



Ivan Radonic Freelancer Email Series

Subject Line: The Day I Made My 2 year Old Daughter Cry Uncontrollably...

Hi {!firstname_fix}

I was sitting at the dining table when I suddenly burst out crying...

I just couldn't help it.

It had been an emotional couple months.

Six weeks ago my dad passed away.

And just recently my aunty passed in some pretty horrific circumstances...

The emotionally stacking was too much.

So as a dad..

There are few things in life you never want to experience...

One of them is seeing your daughter upset.

What makes it even more gut wrenching is when you are that source of pain.

But I just couldn't resolve the difference between seeing my family experience such a stark contrast.

It was a powerful moment...

And although I can't control the past...

It has taught me to live (more) in the present moment.

Plus it made me realise I have an amazing, emotionally intelligent daughter way beyond her years of experience.

The lesson?

Don't miss the little moments in life...

Enjoy the whole spectrum of what's on offer.



P.S. If you would like a Free copy of my best selling book From Anxiety to Ironman, just click here for very own copy!!

Email 2

Subject Line: How to Ditch the Dirty Pitch

Hi {!firstname_fix}

Remember that awkward first date that you'd like to forget...

And just be able hit the delete button on that period of time in your life.

Well, the only thing that makes it better.

Is finding the right person...

The sales process is no different.

Because all you really want to know is...

Am I talking to the right person?

But the only way for that to be possible...

Is to be absolutely expectational at what you do.

Because there's a big difference between a sales call and a conversation.

One is a pitch fest...

And the other is identifying where a business needs the most help...

And how it turn it all around.

It's a 'mutual agreement' to work together towards a common goal.

You'll know if you've hit a winner and if it feels right.

So let's start a new conversation...



Email 3

Subject Line: The Juggling Act...

Hi {!firstname_fix},

It's Ivan here and I just wanted to "officially" welcome you to my world.

Congrats for taking the first step to learning how you can implement a game changing system with F.A.S.T. Funnels.

The winning system that helps you find your dream customers on auto pilot 24/7!!

So when you first start to create a campaign to attract new clients...

There are a lot of moving parts.

The copy that needs to be on point.

You need a funnel.

And a sizzling offer to go with it.

Create an ad.

Hook up all the tech so you can set and forget.

Then implement at the speed of light!!

It’s a tall order.

Plus there’s a business to run.

And who’s got the time…

So how do we fix this?

It’s really simple...

By making a new decision.

And start running this thing in a completely new way!!

So let me build you a magnificent marketing machine...

That gives you leads on auto pilot!

Makes money...

And most importantly, saves you time.

Find what all the hype is all about...

Click here to start a new conversation!!



Mindvalley Welcome Email

Subject Line 1: Welcome to Mindvalley

Subject Line 2: Are You Ready to Break All of the 'Brules' That Are Holding You Back?


Welcome to largest community of individuals living extraordinary, fulfilling and happy lives.

I have to say...

I'm really excited to have you onboard...

So if you're:

Looking to improve your health, wealth or connect on a much deeper level...

Then you're in the right the place :)

When I was previously a computer engineer at a Silicon Valley startup...

Where I continually faced extreme stress and burnt out...

So I decided to take up meditation...

And it completely changed my life.

I quit the start up to study meditation...

And started teaching others.

I went deep into the mastery of human development.

And as a result...

Mindvalley was born!

So today, I'm on a quest to help you in...

Your life.


And most importantly your spirituality.

So stay tuned for some of the most inspiring and intriguing coaches from around the world...

Who are here to help you every step of the way :)



P.S. If you're ready to break of the 'Brules' then I'd like to offer you a free chapter from my best selling book 'The Code of the Extraordinary Mind'


Rich Roll (Author of Finding Ultra)Email Series

The welcome email is a rewrite of the existing one that was optimized to meet the customer's needs and wants nad set the tone for the autoresponder series. Email 2 and 3 were created to help sell and promote the Plant Power Meal Planner

Welcome Email


And congratulations for taking the leap.

It personally means a lot to me that you have signed up for this newsletter…

My goal is provide you with:

Embolden your best, most authentic self – in my opinion the very definition of wellness.

Empower you to overcome fear, break the glass ceiling on your personal potential 

The best possible information to optimize your health, fitness, nutrition and spirituality. 

As a newsletter subscriber, you’ll receive exclusive access to the following:

• Podcast Updates: a weekly post focused on my latest podcast guest

• Roll Call: a brief e-mail every Thursday containing my best tips, recommendations and resources

• Giveaways & More: an occasional e-mail with product giveaways, discounts, event announcement and more

Now I want you to know…

Not too many years ago.

I was your basic couch potato – 50 pounds overweight, sedentary, lethargic and salving my depression with junk food and unhealthy lifestyle habits. 

Worse yet…

 I was disillusioned with life. 

Utterly disconnected from myself. 

Unsure how to change…

But I found a way to turn things around.

And it was journey that has taken me places I could have never imagined in my wildest dreams.

So if you’re feeling stuck in life, rest assured there is a solution. 

And I've made it my life mission to help ‘you' tap into the incredible power of personal transformation.

Irrespective of your circumstances…

Within all of us resides the power to change. 

I did it. 

And you can too. 

So let me show you how.

Peace + Plants,


P.S. To kick start your journey, here’s free access to 7 awesome Plant Powered Recipes 

Email 2

Subject Line : How to Master Your Nutrition


Life is moving fast!



And time to do something for yourself.

So it’s no wonder why we have such a hard time working out what to eat…

It requires time, energy and intention.

The thing is…

How many times you do go for easy but not so healthy option?

But it doesn’t have to be that way with the Fuel Your Best Life Meal Planner (add link to sign up page)

You get personalised recipes delivered to your inbox daily.

Help from our caring experts 7 days a week when you need it.

Nutrition analysis and exclusive tips…


Grocery delivery in selected areas!

It’s super easy to get started (add link to sign up page)

So you can say goodbye to old habits…

And fuel your best life today!!

Peace + Plants,


Email 3

Subject Line : How to Eat like Rich…


As an athlete...

The body and soul demand more from you.

And you need to make sure you’re fuelling the right way!

Because in an athlete’s kitchen…

There can’t be any second guessing.

The right fuel plus optimized training equals a high performance result.

So if you’d like to:

  • Improve your recovery

  • Increase your performance

  • And optimize your body

It’s super easy to get started (add link to sign up page)

You will receive 'customised’ recipes delivered to your inbox daily.

Help from our nutrition experts 7 days a week.

Nutrition analysis and exclusive tips for peak performance…


Grocery delivery in selected areas!

This means you can save time…

And fuel your best performance today!! (add link to sign up page)

Peace + Plants,


Steve Sims (Author of Bluefishing) Email Sequence for Sims Distillery

Email 1

Subject Line: How to avoid a deathbed of regrets… 


Life is short...

And should be played hard and fast!

But sometimes it’s important to slow things down.

And take a high level view of what’s going on in your life.

It starts with asking some really uncomfortable questions like…

Am I am really happy?

Is this what I want in life?

Now imagine if you were lying on your deathbed.

And you asked yourself some tough questions like…

Do I have any unfinished business? 

Would I be happy if I left things as they are?

Because sometimes it’s worth doing a 180 degree turn…

To find a new direction.

Or pave a new path.

And you need the right person in your corner.

To guide you along the way and make sure you stay true to your path!

That’s why I created Sim’s Distillery (insert simsdistillery.com link)

So you can learn how to break down any obstacle in your way.

And turn your dreams into reality.

Take care,

Steve ‘The Wizard’ Sims

P.S. I have an exercise for you on page 172 of my free book Bluefishing (insert dropbox link) on how to clear your head and set things in motion!

Email 2

Subject Line: Never plan for someday, plan for today…


Life can be full of should’a and could’a moments…

But if I’m being honest.

That’s the easy way out…

So if you really want to impact more people.

Be present.

For your clients…

Your friends…

And your family…

Because not many people are doing it.

They’re too busy rushing from here to there…

Maybe they just don’t get it?

But you do…

So open yourself to the moment and really go for it!!

And if you need some help along the way…

I’m always here (insert simsditillery.com) to push you along :)

Take care, 

Steve ‘make it happen’ Sims

P.S. If you want to know a sweet little secret on how to influence some of the most important people in the world…

Check out my free book Bluefishing(insert dropbox link), go straight start to page 168 then start implementing like crazy!!

Stefan Georgi RMBC Method

Email 1 Subject Line: ‘Never Seen Before’ Bonuses on Offer…


If there’s one thing that has really hit home in the last couple weeks…

There is still a strong demand for great copy writers.

Who can cut through the noise.

And deliver a clear and concise message to it’s audience.

So that’s why I’ve decided to do something special with RMBC Method…

And offer some ‘never seen before’ bonuses.

The first bonus is a live group coaching call where you can ask anything you want.

So if you’re stuck on a big idea…

Or just wonder the best way to do something.

You can simply ask me :)

The bonuses will be available for the next 72 hours…

And you’re probably wondering what the second bonus is?

So stay tuned for tomorrow’s email for the final reveal!


Email 2 Subject Line: I Wasn’t Expecting This to Happen…


Yesterday I revealed plans to offer two ‘never seen before’ bonuses with RMBC Method.

And I honestly didn’t expect this kind of reaction…

FOMO was huge! But also raised some important questions…

What about all of the existing students of RMBC?

Will they receive the bonuses?

But before I answer that question…

I want to let you know the second bonus.

And it’s access to a new private Facebook group…

Because if there’s one thing that’s super important in your copy writing journey…

You need to have people you trust to bounce ideas off.

Help you stay accountable and on the right track!

So will existing students receive the new bonuses?

The answer is yes!


I don’t know if I’ll be offering these bonuses again or if the price will increase in the future…

So if the time is right for you to sign up for RMBC Method…

Then I can’t wait to meet you on the live group coaching call :)


P.S. I’ll be closing the two bonuses in the next 48 hours so if you’re ready to take your copy to the next level I’ll see you on the inside.


Subject Line: Change the Game with Power Combo’s…


RMBC Method is truly remarkable…

Because it has the power to change an average copy writer and accelerate their ability to not only write great copy.

But also reduce the time it takes.

The combination packs a punch when prospective clients know you’ve studied RMBC Method…

Along with the new ‘never seen before’ bonuses.

It’s become a jab, jab, hook system…

And other copy writers won’t be able to compete with this power combo!

There’s never been a better time to sign up for RMBC Method…

So the final question is…

Is it your turn to have the success and life you deserve?


© Ivan Radonic™ 2020 - Created 100% By Yours Truly - Designed by ivanradonic.com

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Proin at auctor metus. Aenean eu commodo ante. Maecenas ultrices suscipit dictum. Integer gravida lectus vitae dui consectetur, at luctus risus eleifend. Mauris eget felis ac ipsum fringilla malesuada.

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Proin at auctor metus. Aenean eu commodo ante. Maecenas ultrices suscipit dictum. Integer gravida lectus vitae dui consectetur, at luctus risus eleifend. Mauris eget felis ac ipsum fringilla malesuada.