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Done-For-You Funnel, Offer Creation and Email Marketing

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Special Bonus Offer- Book a FREE Audit Call

Valued at $555

You need a great funnel, offer and the right email sequence to scale and acquire new clients fast... I'll take you through all of the best hacks and enhancements to improve your conversions and sales.

Don't have one? Then let's build one for ya!

(Keep Reading To Discover The Extra Bonuses)

Have wondered what secret sauce 7, 8 and 9 figure businesses are using to scale?

It’s only really one... it’s all in the follow up!

You see... they’re multiple ways get traffic and leads FB/ Insta ads, organic marketing, cold outreach ect...

There's nothing new here... just find where your audience are and give them what they want!

But there’s only one way follow up and establish a ‘buying’ relationship with your customers and that's to help you with the most important email you’ll ever send…

The Welcome Email 📧

Have you ever been on a first date and wanted to impress the pants of your date (literally and figuratively)?

I know the feeling :)

So when it comes to your welcome message there can’t be any guess work…

It needs to be well crafted…

And 'has’ to be on point to keep the reader engaged for…

Consumption Emails 📧

So you just sold something to someone…

Awesome work!

Did you follow up?

Are you providing tips/ updates/ more value AFTER the sale?

If not…

Then we’ll do that for you ;)

Cart Abandon 📧

If you have a check out cart and your prospect goes to your payment page then heads for the hills…

You’ll have a garbage conversion rate. Or ‘And no one likes a leaky bucket!’

We then take those exact abandons and give you a 5X return on the people who politely say "no!"

Referral Push

You have a ton of subscribers on your list…

And people know other people.

How hard are you pushing them to share your newest promos?


So let me show you proven ways to get you non stop referrals through incentivised promotions for your loyal list of followers.

The sad as hell truth is that a lot of businesses out there don't have a clue how much money they are sitting on every month until they bring me in

So instead of hiring a "marketing expert" that produces garbage emails…

Charges you upfront in the hope that things will work...

And then always fall off your radar in less than 3 months...

I'll win you over with one of our programs that you have never heard of before and once you see the results, then we talk.

All you have to do is want to see results.

Ready to take your business to the moon?

Click below to take one step closer to that little white orb in the sky 🌕

Book a Discovery Call

    When You Book Your FREE Audit Call...You'll Also Get FREEAccess To:

  • Bonus 1- The Top Gun Funnel, Offer and Email Report

    [$222 Value]

  • Once I've taken a closer look at your funnel, offer and email sequence... I'll take you through all of the ways to optimise to improve conversions and sales.

  • Bonus 2- Access To the Top Gun Email Copy Course 

    [$111 Value]

  • Ever wanted to master the 'Art of Dog Writing' or 'Learn How to Produce Content Ideas Fast'? The Top Gun Copy Course will have your content and emails flying to new and exciting heights!

  • Bonus 3- Lead Generation Funnel With a Thank You Page 

    [$55 Value] 

  • Every great business needs a solid lead magnet to attract their perfect customers... I want to make it super easy and give you one for FREE!

  • Bonus 4- Lead Generation Funnel With a Thank You Page [$297 Value]

  • Over 80 of the best promoting emails to reference and use anytime you send an email.

Here's Everything That You Get

(Plus Extra Bonuses)

Total Value: $888

Get Access Today: $0

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