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How to Improve Your Email Copy, Explode Sales and Keep Your Customers Coming Back!

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Limited Time Only... Receive a Massive 75% off!

What You Will Learn From This Email Copy Writing Course...

Learn to Super Hack Emails...

So they're easy to read like 'Sunday mornings' and keep the reader on the edge of their seat…

Learn the ‘Art of Dog Writing’...

And how to craft an award winning email to keep your list coming back for more…

Discover the 'Art of Magnetic Story Telling’

To hold the attention of your reader keep your list engaged with every email you send...

Subject Line: Top Gun Copy Academy Email Course

Dear Future Top Gun Student,

Are you ready to become the best of the best?

We'll make you better!!

The sales letter you’re about to read will sell you an $55 product at the end...

Most of you may already know…

It’s not normal to reveal the price at the beginning…

So I'm going out in true 'Maverick Style'!

Now think of this as a anti-sales letter.

And I guess you're thinking…

This guy’s a little ‘whacked out’

And you’re probably spot on…

But here’s the thing about writing email copy…

There’s a lot of bad copy out there...

And as your Top Gun Copy Instructor...

I’m gonna make you better!

Over the next 12 days we're gonna take your email copy to new heights…

  • You’ll learn how to structure an email so it’s easy to read so you sell more

  • Improve your speed and efficiency 

  • And how to easily and effortlessly produce ideas ‘out of thin air’

The great thing about improving your email copy…

It doesn’t take a lot of time...

Just a bit of hard yakka! (an Aussie term for hard work)

So what’s in it for you?

If you're:

  • Just starting out and want to see what it's all about

  • You're a business owner who wants to get better at delivering their message

  • You write email copy and you want to add a few more strings to your bow

  • Or you’re looking for an inexpensive way to learn a new skill that could skyrocket your income

Then you're in the right place :)

So here’s what you’ll learn:

#1 How to 'Super Hack' your emails so they're easy to read like Sunday mornings and keeps the reader on the edge of their seat…

#2 Learn the 'Art of Dog Writing' and how to craft an award winning email to keep your list coming back for more…

#3 How to use the 'C+C Ideas Factory' Method so you can create content 10 times faster!

#4 Learn how to ‘Beat the Control’ so business owners will love you forever…

#5 Discover the 'Art of Magnetic Story Telling’ to hold the attention of your reader keep your list engaged with every email you send

If it feels like your gonna learn a lot for $55…

Then you're right on!

So keep reading…

Because you’ll also learn…

6# Learn The 'Trump Effect' and how to polarise by staying topical and newsworthy

#7 Understand the Best Way to S.I.P. so your always getting the best content from your industry…

#8 Learn how to 'Meditate like a Monk' on steroids to produce amazing headlines and produce control killers…

#9 How to get your list to ‘Join the Joy Ride’, build curiosity and keep them opening every email you send them…

#10 How to break ‘all’ of the rules and still be a great copy writer

#11Discover the ‘Chicks Get More Clicks’ Strategy on how to get more sales and happier customers

#12 Plus you'll learn how to avoid the dreaded ‘Copy Writer’s Kryptonite’ that not only stops sales but prevents you from connecting to your customers on a deeper level...

So who the hell are you?

My name is Ivan Radonic...

Copy Commander at the Top Gun Copy Academy.

And today I'm here to help you...

Yes, I have secret copy call sign just like in the movie...

And yes you get one too but more on the later...


I'm going to show you that I’m ‘not’ an authority figure and tell you the truth and not some bullshit back story…

I just want you to know I’m not some Guru with a standard funnel offer (S.F.O.) that starts at $7...

Then goes to $97...

And you guessed ends in $997!

A couple years ago…

I wrote a book ‘From Anxiety to Ironman’ that became a best seller that skyrocketed into the Kindle top 100 (twice)

I’m pretty proud of this achievement…

Writing an entire book isn’t an easy feat…

But it taught me a lot about writing.

How many books have you sold since then?

Just a few here and there...

So what have done since then?

Not much besides working my ass behind the scenes to become the best fricken copy writer I can be!

Cuz if you wanna be great at something…

You gotta pick one lane and stay in it!

I chose email marketing and I want to share everything I learn't with you...

But here’s the thing…

I’m a regular guy...

I like riding my bike...

Hanging out with my daughter Grace.

And really enjoy spending time writing copy that hopefully entertains and puts a smile on your face :)

Now here comes the drum roll for the infamous bonus stack…

I know at some stage you’re expecting the 'the stack’ with over inflated prices.

And then it's discounted down to one low price?

But I can't do that cuz you already know it's 55 bucks...

I don’t wanna disappoint.

But I need to break it to you gently…

There is no bonus stack in this amazing anti-sales letter

But I do have ‘hidden bonuses’ throughout the whole course

So think of it like an Easter egg hunt…

Where you’ll find little surprises along the way!

So let’s go through the modules again…

Here’s what you’ll learn:

#1 How to 'Super Hack' your emails so they are super easy to read like 'Sunday mornings' and keeps the reader on the edge of their seat…

#2 Learn the 'Art of Dog Writing' and how to craft an award winning email to keep your list coming back for more…

#3 How to use the ‘C+C Ideas Factory' Method so you can create content 10 times faster!

#4 Learn how to 'Beat the Control' so business owners will love you forever…

#5 Learn the 'Art of Magnetic Story Telling' to hold the attention of your reader keep your list engaged with every email you send...

#6 Learn the 'Trump Effect' and how to polarise by staying topical and newsworthy...

#7 Understand the Best Way to S.I.P. so your always getting the best content from your industry…

#8 Learn how to 'Meditate like a Monk' on steroids to produce amazing headlines and produce control killers…

#9 How to get your list to ‘Join the Joy Ride’, build curiosity and keep them opening every email you send them…

#10 How to ‘Break’ all of the rules and still be a great copy writer

#11 Discover the ‘Chicks Get More Clicks’ Strategy on how to get more sales and happier customers

#12 Plus you'll learn how to avoid the dreaded ‘Copy Writer’s Kryptonite’ that not only stops sales but prevents you from connecting to your customers on a deeper level...

At this point you’re probably wondering…

Is there going to be a $97 upsell on the next page once I buy?

The short answer is no...

But you probably expected that...

So what are you selling?

Unicorns and popcorn?

Listen, I’m not new to marketing game...

But I do like to do things differently...

So at a later date you have the chance to buy some of my other products and services but be warned...

The price won’t end in a 7!!

Buy Now Link

So how much is this course actually worth?

I'd say lots and lots...

Everyone will get something new that can significantly shift either their copy or

business in a different way...

So I'll let my clients decide but if you want to see 'real world results'...

Time to Inject Some Scarcity…

Just so we're super clear.

This course normally sells for $222

So until midnight on Monday...

It's gonna be $55...

So when you check back in on Tuesday...

You guessed it...

The price will be back to $222.

Because the thing I realised is…

If you’re ready to improve your copy right now…

And you like me…

100% you’ll buy this course…

It’s a no brainer!

And if not…

You’ll do it when you’re ready…

Because I’d rather you wait till the time is right ;)

Now I have to tell you the ‘real reason’ I’m selling this course…

I recently heard a copy writer say that they wouldn’t create a copy course until they ‘made it’

And sold at least $X million of products and services...

That seemed like a really really long time to wait...

Before I could share some awesome content.

So I thought...

What the hell!!

If I’m doing everything in reverse I might as well create a course!

But here’s the thing about having no hang ups on what success looks


You can do anything you want when you’re not worried about what others will think of you.

So if there’s a lesson here...

And you have a dream of doing something...

Back yourself...

Be ready to fail a little...

Put ‘all’ of your cards on the table.

And just go for it...

Some people might not back you but I’m behind you 110%

Now on a serious note...

Some of the money goes to charity…

There are some really great causes out there...

But the one that pulls my heart strings the most is Operation

Underground Railroad [O.U.R.]

It’s helps rescue kids from pedophile rings...

And yes there’s lots of them.

The founder Tim Ballard is a modern day Batman...

Fricken seriously…

It takes a special person to deal in the shadows and I’m really grateful for

the work he does...

So how much money do you send to O.U.R.?

Well, it’s costs $10,000 to rescue a child.

So my goal is to help rescue at least one kid a year.

It doesn’t feel like much but I need to do something...

So part of the 11 bucks you’ll part with will go to this amazing cause!

Now for the epic close…

So why should you part with your hard earned 11 bucks?

To be honest...

I’m super glad you were thinking that in the back of your mind.

The thing is...

There are plenty of people looking to rip you off and take a buck off you and run for the hills!

That’s not me...

Never was and never will be.

If you don’t like the training...

Or you don’t feel what was taught is 10 times the price you forked out...

Then I’m happy to refund you...

With a ‘why don’t you like me’ no questions asked policy

And I’ll even add an extra $1 back…

Just for good karma (it’s for both of us)

Can we still be friends?

Probably not...

I put a shit tonne of time and energy into my courses and products to ensure

they’re awesome.

And I’m always updating them to give you the cutting edge over 95% of your


Is this the best email copy course out there?

I don’t know so I’ll let the marketplace decide.


This is where I discreetly place the...

Buy Now Link!

So the choice is yours if you’d like to follow the white rabbit...

Red pill or blue pill?

I’m completely cool with whichever you chose...

But quietly…

I’ll be super pumped to see you on the other side ;)

I nearly forgot...

Your secret call sign...

As part of the course you’ll get to chose your own unique call sign.

Because it wouldn't be a Top Gun Copy Academy without it.

Plus you’ll have access to Facebook Group where we tell bad jokes and recite

classic quotes from the movie like…

‘Son, your ego's writing email copy your body can’t cash’

So how will I receive the course?

Because it’s a course about email copy…

The course will delivered each and every day via you guessed it…


So please don’t share it with other people…

Or I’ll get Goose’ ghost to come haunt your arse.

Plus it's bad juju...

You still haven’t bought this amazing product?

I honestly thought you would of bought by now… 

Closed the page… 

Or forgotten about this insanely long anti-sales letter...

So let me tell you a bed-time story about...

Curious George.

He’s was a monkey who...

Actually, I’ll leave this story for those who buy the course...

So if you're on the edge of your toilet seat...

Can you please buy this course now so I can teach you some awesome stuff…

Help rescue some kids…

So you can make an amazing impact in a world that needs you right now :)

P.S. So far this anti-sales letter was 1,915 words long so we're this close to hitting 2,000 words

P.P.S. Please buy this course… Grace is hassling me to buy her a new pony and I’m all of out of ideas on how to ethically steal one from another kid 

P.P.P.S. By the way, using a P.S. is a great way to keep the convo going and introduce another thing you want to talk about so you learn about these types of strategies in the course.

P.P.P.P.S. Thanks for helping me hit the 2,000 mark… I didn’t think we'd make it… Now go and be awesome!!

Don't Miss Your Dream Shot...

Become the Best of the Best!










© Ivan Radonic™ 2020 - Created 100% Using GrooveFunnels - Designed by ivanradonic.com